Selecting Required Data
So to refresh memory and select the data from the previous post we need.Our wishlist:
- 62 gold
- 183000 fractal relics
- 880 integrated matrices
- 24 fractal journals (672 fractal research pages)
- 3200 pristine fractal relics
- 21 +11 agony infusions
- 1 +13 agony infusion
- 1 +14 agony infusion
- 1 +15 agony infusion
- 1 +16 agony infusion
And we'll be doing our dailies for 224 days if we're not doing the challenge mote daily, else we're doing it for 189 days.
How Much Fractal Relics Will We Gain?
To know how much fractal relics we'll get depends on where we can get them from. A fixed value between 5 and 19 fractal relics is rewarded respective to which fractal you run. The higher the fractal the more relics.
Level | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-25 | 26-30 | 31-35 | 36-40 | 41-45 | 46-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 |
Relics | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
Okay, which fractals do we run? Luckily the fractals are on a rotation. That simplifies it for us.
The rotation goes as following:
So on average, we get ~55.47 relics a day through those daily fractals. However, that's not all yet. We'll also be running the recommended dailies. Those are 3 random fractals rolled in their tier.
The fractal tiers go from:
The rotation goes as following:
Set | Fractal 1 | Fractal 2 | Fractal 3 | Reward 1 | Reward 2 | Reward 3 | Total |
1 | Solid Ocean | Underground Facility | Urban Battleground | 17 | 18 | 18 | 53 |
2 | Aetherblade | Chaos Isles | Nightmare | 19 | 19 | 19 | 57 |
3 | Cliffside | Molten Boss | Captain Mai Trin Boss | 19 | 18 | 19 | 56 |
4 | Swampland | Solid Ocean | Uncategorized | 18 | 17 | 19 | 54 |
5 | Urban Battleground | Shattered Observatory | Molten Boss | 18 | 19 | 18 | 55 |
6 | Nightmare | Snowblind | Volcanic | 19 | 19 | 19 | 57 |
7 | Aetherblade | Uncategorized | Thaumanova Reactor | 19 | 19 | 19 | 57 |
8 | Urban Battleground | Cliffside | Chaos Isles | 18 | 19 | 19 | 56 |
9 | Underground Facility | Volcanic | Captain Mai Trin Boss | 18 | 19 | 19 | 56 |
10 | Snowblind | Solid Ocean | Nightmare | 19 | 17 | 19 | 55 |
11 | Chaos Isles | Uncategorized | Urban Battleground | 19 | 19 | 18 | 56 |
12 | Cliffside | Molten Furnace | Swampland | 19 | 18 | 18 | 55 |
13 | Molten Boss | Twilight Oasis | Underground Facility | 18 | 18 | 18 | 54 |
14 | Volcanic | Swampland | Shattered Observatory | 19 | 18 | 19 | 56 |
15 | Snowblind | Thaumanova Reactor | Aquatic Ruins | 19 | 19 | 17 | 55 |
So on average, we get ~55.47 relics a day through those daily fractals. However, that's not all yet. We'll also be running the recommended dailies. Those are 3 random fractals rolled in their tier.
The fractal tiers go from:
- Tier 1: 1-25
- Tier 2: 26-50
- Tier 3: 51-75
- Tier 4: 76-100
The recommended dailies are only tier 1-3. So to calculate how many relics we get we need to know the chance they roll each reward.
- 5 out of 25 rewards 5 relics
- 5 out of 25 rewards 6 relics
- 5 out of 25 rewards 7 relics
- 5 out of 25 rewards 8 relics
- 5 out of 25 rewards 9 relics
Quite simple. Same with the calculation:
5 : 25 * 5 + 5 : 25 * 6 + 5 : 25 * 7 + 5 : 25 * 8 + 5 : 25 * 9 = 7
Doing the same with tier 2 we get:
5 : 25 * 10 + 5 : 25 * 11 + 5 : 25 * 12 + 5 : 25 * 13 + 5 : 25 * 14 = 12
With tier 3 it's a little different but basically the same:
10 : 25 * 15 + 10 : 25 * 16 + 5 : 25 * 17 = 15.8
Adding it all up we get 55.47 + 7 + 12 + 15.8 = 90.27 relics from our daily runs. At this point, I should mention that you might get extra relics from the fractal encryptions as they have a chance to reward you fractal relics, a bag of fractal relics as well as mist potions that can be converted. Additionally, through the recommended daily chests you get each type of large mist potion, which again can be converted to 6, 5 and 5 handful of fractal relics. A handful contains 3 fractal relics. Which means we get 3 * 6 + 3 * 5 + 3 * 5 = 48 on our daily so far. Now we're at 138.27 fractal relics. Another 3 can be added by doing the daily jumping puzzle which gives a guaranteed handful of fractal relics. 141.27 fractal relics so far!
Now if we do our challenge mote runs we get 38 relics 10 times, and 19 relics 5 times over 15 days. On average that's ~31.67 relics. Doing a nightmare challenge mote also rewards 20 relics for the first two bosses and 100 for the last. So an additional 140 relics every day.
Now let's take this into consideration and we're at 141.27 fractal relics without challenge mote and ~312.94 fractal relics with.
Due to the limited information on how many fractal encryptions drop on each fractal level I have to ignore this for now. :( I'll update the post and calculation once more data on this is known.
Here We Go: How Much?
Let's continue with what we have. Doing our daily runs for our 224 days without challenge mote we'll end up with 224 * 141.27 = 31644.48 fractal relics. So we're missing 151355.52 relics still. Now that's a lot. To get the rest we would take 151355.52 / 141.27 = 1071.39 days. That's 1072 days if we do not convert pristine fractal relics to normal relics at this point.
What about doing challenge mote runs? In 189 days we'll reach our time-gated currencies and we get ~312.94 fractal relics daily. So 189 * 312.94 = 59145.66 fractal relics. That means we're missing 123854.34 fractal relics. That's 123854.34 : 312.94 = 395.78 days. 396 days if we do not convert pristine fractal relics to normal relics at this point.
Fine. Let's Convert
Converting pristine fractal relics increases our daily fractal relics by 15 * 15 = 175 fractal relics without challenge mote and 17 * 15 = 255 relics with.
That means we now gain 141.27 relics over 224 days. Followed by 141.27 + 175 = 316.27 fractal relics there on out. That means we need 151355.52 / 316.27 = ~478.56 days. 479 days instead of 1072 days.
And with challenge mote, we get 312.94 relics over 189 days. Followed by 312.94 + 255 = 567.94 fractal relics there on out. This means we need 123854.34 / 567.94 = ~218.08 days. 219 days instead of 396 days.
And it gets worse. There are integrated matrices as well. We need 880 of those and each one costs 10 stabilizing matrices and 15 fractal relics. So we need an additional 880 * 15 = 13200 fractal relics if we do not run challenge mote. If we run challenge mote this value decreases by 2 each day. Over 189 days that's 2 * 189 = 378 integrated matrices. So only 880 - 378 = 502 missing. That's 502 * 15 = 7530 fractal relics added to our missing amount.
To Top It All
You will also need agony infusions.
Our wishlist mentions:
- 21 +11 agony infusions
- +13 agony infusion
- +14 agony infusion
- +15 agony infusion
- +16 agony infusion
As the prices of the trading post-change frequently I'm not going into the price of these here. But what I can do for you is the following. I'll tell you how many agony infusion of different types you need up to +9 agony infusions because you probably have those lying around somewhere.
Calculating how many +1 agony infusion you need for a +x agony infusion is easy.
You can use this function:
f(x): y = 2 ^ (x - 1)
y: the amount of +1 agony infusion; x: the number behind the plus of the agony infusion
So here we go:
21 * 2 ^ (11 - 1) + 2 ^ (13 - 1) + 2 ^ (14 - 1) + 2 ^ (15 - 1) + 2 ^ (16 - 1) = 82944
82944 +1 agony infusions.
From here on out we can convert this value by dividing it by 2 until we reach 1.
Infusion | Amount |
+1 Agony Infusion | 82944 |
+2 Agony Infusion | 41472 |
+3 Agony Infusion | 20736 |
+4 Agony Infusion | 10368 |
+5 Agony Infusion | 5184 |
+6 Agony Infusion | 2592 |
+7 Agony Infusion | 1296 |
+8 Agony Infusion | 648 |
+9 Agony Infusion | 324 |
That's.. a lot so far so I'm gonna take a break here. What a huge topic. I can't believe how many relics are still missing. I know I couldn't calculate those from the fractal encryptions but still...
It kinda feels like back in the old days when the old world vs world achievements was around.
It kinda feels like back in the old days when the old world vs world achievements was around.