Divide And Conquer The Quest
Reaching a cooking level of 500 requires you to first reach level 425. After this Seimur - the cook who loves to add bloodstone dust to literally anything - will want to try your cooking at your home instance. This requires you to craft a specific item for him. This item will probably get you to level 435 or so. Next up, we have five quest lines for each race: Human, Norn, Charr, Asura, and Sylvari. For each of these, you need to craft three typical foods from each of those. After doing that you need to do stuff to improve your cooking. The human questline will have you improve your oven. This requires 3x Heat Stones and 5x Bloodstone Bricks. The Norn quest requires you to create cook utensils, which costs 5x Deldrimor Steel Ingots, 5x Dragonite Ingots and 1x Spiritwood Plank. The Charr one will unlock new meat drops to improve the quality of your meat by learning a new technique. This requires an event to be done and killing the corresponding enemies. For the Asura's, you will need to buy items that in total cost 15 gold. You will need to have done the Charr's before or buy the respective meat in the trading post. Lastly, through the Sylvari's, you will unlock the seed drops that are required to craft the ascended herbs. All you have to do here is gathering herbs until you get the varietal herb seeds, then craft a portable composter using 4x Spiritwood Plank and 1x Elonian Leather Square. Completing all these quest lines adds another 50 levels (10 levels for each) to your cook. With cooking 485 the last recipes, specifically the Bottle of Simple Syrup (1x Bag of Sugar and 1x Jug of Water), gives about one level per craft.
Summing The Materials Up
Here's the sum of what you will need:
- Craft at maximum 25 dishes which reward experience and you have the most materials off.
- Craft a Chef's Tasting Platter
- Craft a Bowl of Snow Truffle Soup
- Craft a Sesame-Roasted Dinner
- Craft a Sage-Stuffed Poultry
- Craft a Filet of Rosemary-Roasted Meat
- Craft a Bowl of Artichoke Soup
- Craft a Bowl of Poultry Tarragon Pasta
- Craft a Bowl of Spicy Meat Chili
- Craft a Plate of Lemongrass Poultry
- Craft a Plate of Fire Flank Steak
- Craft a Bowl of Roasted Lotus Root
- Craft a Flatbread
- Craft a Chocolate Omnomberry Cake
- Craft a Bowl of Tropical Mousse
- Craft a Bowl of Truffle Sautee
- Craft an Omnomberry Ghost
- 5x Deldrimor Steel Ingots
- 5x Dragonite Ingot
- 5x Spiritwood Plank
- 1x Elonian Leather Square
- 15 Gold
- Items that are worth 15 more levels
Splitting each dish down into its ingredients we get this list:
That concludes unlocking ascended cooking as well as reaching cooking 500.
Ascended Seeds
While I did mention that Bottle of Simple Syrup is a cheap way to get the last 15 levels. I would advise you to actually salvage foods you have crafted as well as lower-level food to get the Extracts of Nourishment. Use these to craft the Exquisite Extract of Nourishment. This can be used to craft the seeds for your home instance, which will also increase your crafting potentially.