I've decided to make a bit of a different blog post this time. Instead of talking about theorycrafting, philosophy, game design, or magic, I'm gonna list and talk a bit about some other content creators. The point of this is to give my readers that are interested in this a blog post that features a list of interesting YouTube channels to revisit whenever. Another reason is to show you guys other creators that talk about varying topics of game development but make some great points.
Extra Credits
Extra Credits is probably one of my favorite channels on Youtube and I always watch it. They come from the industry and bring great insight into all the topics that there are. If you plan on becoming a game developer or take any related Job I can only advise you to check out some or all of their videos. And to the Extra Credits team. You've taught me and others a lot and helped me with my Seminar Paper during high school (Berufsoberschule). Keep up the good work!
>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCODtTcd5M1JavPCOr_Uydg
8-bit Music Theory
8-bit Music Theory is for all your future composers or game designers out there. If you're interested in learning or dipping into music theory for games it is a great channel for that. Since I try to keep my knowledge broad as I want to go into game design mainly with a focus on programming I try to take in as much information as possible. This channel definitely helps there! No doubt about that. If that caught your interest go check it out!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeZLO2VgbZHeDcongKzzfOw <<
Design Doc
Design Doc is a channel that suddenly popped up in my related videos. The focus of this Youtube channel is pretty much anything about designing a game. My favorite videos are the good design, a bad design where Design Doc gets the point across using examples showing both sides. In my opinion, anyone interested in game development should have at least heard or seen these videos, however, if you're planning on becoming a game designer it's gonna be your job to make sure you don't fall into these mistakes that were done. Really "Noice".
>> https://www.youtube.com/user/Warbot40
Snowman Gaming
This is one of the channels I came across while looking for something game design related. Again just like the Design Doc, this one focuses on the overall game design of games but goes more into the complete titles. There are videos for good game design and bad game design and I can just recommend it to any game designers as well as anyone who's taking inspiration from one of their favorite games that may pop-up in this list. Keep it up.
https://www.youtube.com/user/snomangaming <<
I actually came across this channel through a very interesting video in my feed: "What Games Are Like For Someone Who Doesn't Play Games". This is absolute gold. When we design games we always think about gamers in mind. We rarely ever think about people who never played video games. And of course, the other videos on this channel are interesting as well. So, if you have the time to check them out go ahead!
>> https://www.youtube.com/user/razbuten
Adam Millard - The Architect of Games
I just came across this channel recently and added it to my list of interesting channels to check out. I haven't checked out much of this one yet, but from what I've seen this one is a good channel if you want to think outside of the box, see things differently. So, if you need some uncommon inspiration there you go add this channel's videos to your playlist!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3A_5R_m3PXCn5XDhvBBsg <<
Why This List?
Well, it's December and soon it's Christmas. This is the season of giving and so I'll give you stuff that helped me to learn game design. Learning game design is a difficult topic anyways. We don't know for sure if a concept works unless we have case studies. That is where these youtube channels come in handy. If you want to learn game design check out opinions of players, reviews or analysis and game design videos. Feed your brain with what appeals and what doesn't find out why and use that knowledge. I hope this list helps others as much as it has helped and schooled me so far and share your information with others. "Because Games Matter" ~ Extra Credits
Also, I've decided to change my use of Grammarly. So far, I've been using Grammarly and making sure that I get 0 mistakes shown even the premium ones (I don't use premium, because of no income right now). This post, for example, has 30 premium errors. Check out this survey, to help me.