I dreamed about being in some kind of place that sits down and discusses with people kinda like court but more friendly less formal.
They also said that my apprenticeship is invalid because I did the exam one or two weeks too late.
I was also able to participate in one of their meetings by just being there.
It was interesting...
Especially since I tried to avoid monsters afterward and sneaked through the town.
Then I got caught and I had a horde hunt me down.
Luckily I had this monster friend that could run really fast so we could outrun them.
Later on, there were these stone golems that only let you pass if you have 5 stones in your hand.
They scan these and if what you could in your hand is acceptable they let you pass.
Then when I met these golems again they suddenly wanted metal.
But apparently, the objects that I thought were metal didn't count as metal.
I could've sword aluminum is metal.
Since I took so long to get past the golems a lot of people appeared as well.
They were all there for the same reason, I guess an underground meeting to go forth about the monsters?
Well yeah, interesting dream. xD
Merry Christmas everyone!