Game Development (Profession)
I've been recreating games at a very young age. Acting as if green grass is the poison water from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or creating my own Mario Party boards. Playing Burnout Revenge with matchbox cars and making my own Super Smash Brothers trading card game. Making paths in the snow that is almost completely copied from Super Mario World. Partitioning the garden into levels and areas. Making lego towers to drown them in water reenacting scenes like in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker or getting invisible Shine Sprites from Super Mario Sunshine during the holidays in Italy. My interest to create games was bound to be a thing and it took only until 7ths grade that I started to teach myself to program. A few years after that I was already making little games nothing special though and without too much of a focus due to other factors of real life. It was only during my apprenticeship as a programmer that I realized that game development is what I wanna do. Since then I've gotten into university and am studying Informatics: Games Engineering.
Streaming & Youtube (Profession)
I really enjoy playing video games and I do or did talk a lot during my childhood. Not the worst traits for someone doing streams or youtube. So I started in 2012 already to make let's play with the goal to have genuine reactions and have the viewer "see and hear what I see". Since then and with multiple breaks I got back into it with Yooka & Laylee and have since been keeping it up. I wish I could turn up the game but it's hard to focus on multiple things at the same time.
Magick (Hobby)
I first got into magick just for the heck of it after going through a heavy depression just before losing my girlfriend that was very dear to me. I met someone else that I was raiding with who also likes magick and talking to her about it has kinda awakened my interest a little. I've always been a fan of elementalists, magicians, wizards and mages in fantasy games. Reading into it I quickly realized that real magick is not what those are and that it's a lot different. My interest in quantum physics made me realize some parallels though. Since then I've been looking at science and at the knowledge that exists seeking the connections that are there. It's a lot of fun to know and to research if there could be more to life than the mundane every day it shows.
I have had ~3 years of apprenticeship as application developer.
I have worked for 7 months as an IT-Consultant.
Blogging since: December 2018
Streaming since: January 2017
Youtube since: January 2012
Programming since: ~2008
Skills (or something): Gaming, Vegas Pro 15, Qt, C++, C#, HTML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, Android, Python, Neural Networks, Game Design, Game Development, UX-Design, UI-Design, Pixelart, Modelling, Blender, theorycrafting, blogging, modding, raiding, streaming, video editing, JAML, XML, SQL, FireAlpaca, programming, magick, ritualism, energy control, meditation, unity, unreal... (may add more..)
Skills (or something): Gaming, Vegas Pro 15, Qt, C++, C#, HTML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, Android, Python, Neural Networks, Game Design, Game Development, UX-Design, UI-Design, Pixelart, Modelling, Blender, theorycrafting, blogging, modding, raiding, streaming, video editing, JAML, XML, SQL, FireAlpaca, programming, magick, ritualism, energy control, meditation, unity, unreal... (may add more..)